OCLC’s FirstSearch
OCLC’s FirstSearch provides a number of databases to you through one search tool. It includes databases of journal articles as well as WorldCat, the database used for interlibrary loan of materials from other libraries. These databases are available to residents of Illinois free of charge courtesy of the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State.
Users from home must have an authorization number and password. Please call the library at 647-0328 to receive this information. Users must be Parlin-Ingersoll Library card holders to place interlibrary loans with a limit of 3 requests per person at one time.
- Users searching from home click here
- Users searching from within the library click here
The following are the databases you may access:
- General Magazine Indexes with Full-text
- Periodical Abstracts–Periodical abstracts from general and academic journals includes some full-text
- Wilson Select Plus–Full-text articles in science, humanities, education, and business
- Specialized Indexes
- ABI/INFORM–U.S. and international articles on business and management with full-text options
- ArticleFirst–OCLC index of articles from the contents pages of journals
- ClasePeriodica–Index of Latin American journals in the sciences and humanities
- ECO–An OCLC collection of scholarly journals
- ERIC–Journal articles and reports in education
- GPO–U.S. government publications
- MEDLINE–All areas of medicine, including dentistry and nursing
- PapersFirst–OCLC index of papers presented at conferences worldwide
- Proceedings–An OCLC index of worldwide conference proceedings
- Union Lists–List of periodicals held by OCLC member libraries
- World Almanac–Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia and four almanacs
- *WorldCat–OCLC catalog of books and other materials in libraries worldwide
Reminder: We can only provide interlibrary loan services to people holding a valid Parlin-Ingersoll Library card. Parlin-Ingersoll Library card holders may request or obtain 3 titles at a time. If you find something of interest and do not have a Parlin-Ingersoll Library card, visit your own local library.