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General Circulation Policies

Checkout Limits

On the first day an individual applies for a library card, whether resident, non-resident or reciprocal, they are limited to three items, only one of which may be non-print. Afterwards, the following loan limits apply:

Type of Material Checkout Length Maximum Number Daily Overdue Fee
Adult Books 21 days 20 $0.15
New Adult Fiction 14 days 20 $0.15
Audiobooks 21 days 5 $0.15
Musical CDs 14 days 5 $0.15
Magazines 21 days 8 $0.15
DVDs 7 days 7 per household $0.50
Juvenile Books 21 days 10 $0.05
Juvenile Magazines 21 days 5 $0.05
Juvenile Audiobooks 21 days 2 $0.05
Juvenile Musical CDs 14 days 2 $0.05

Reserves and Renewals

Individuals may place reserves on most items in the collection. Individuals are encouraged to place their own reserves and renewals either over the Internet or through one of the library’s public access terminals. Library staff members are available to assist individuals in placing their reserves and renewals as well. Most items can be renewed twice (DVDs may be renewed once) unless another individual has already placed a reserve on the item.

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