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Library Cards

City of Canton Residents

Any resident or property owner in the City of Canton is eligible for a Parlin-Ingersoll Public Library card. These cards are valid for three years. Applicants must present two forms of identification:

1.) A proof-of-identification document, such as an unexpired driver’s license, a current State of Illinois photographic I.D., FOID card, or passport;

2.) A proof-of-residency document, which provides the applicant’s current address. Examples of proof-of-residency documents include, but are not limited to, a current phone, water, cable or power bill, dated within the last month.

Note:  Property owners are encouraged to get a library card in their existing residential district.  However, they are eligible for a resident card upon presentation of their property tax bill and the other identification above.

Canton School District Residents and Others Living in Unserved Areas

As a general rule, any resident of the Canton school district who lives outside the Canton city limits may obtain a library non-resident card, which is valid for one year.  The current cost of a non-resident card is $50 per household.  However, per state law, an exemption to this fee is made for veterans with a 70% disability who are exempt from all property taxes.  In addition, per state law, and as approved in June 2022 by the Library Board of Trustees, the Library will issue free non-resident cards to all children under the age of 18 years.  These non-residents must be living in an area not served by an existing library or library district.  For more information, please contact the library at 309-647-0328.

Canton School District students who live in Dunfermline are members of the Lewistown public library district. They must obtain their cards from Lewistown’s library. Non-resident card holders have the same privileges as resident card holders. Resident and non-resident card holders may use their Canton library card at other participating public libraries throughout Illinois.

Reciprocal Borrowers

Individuals who live in an existing library district should obtain a resident card from their home library or a non-resident card from their nearest authorized public library. These cards are honored at the Parlin-Ingersoll Public Library.

Individuals wishing to use the Canton library on a reciprocal basis must present their unexpired resident or non-resident library card, plus a valid proof-of-residency document and photo identification as listed above, when applying for borrowing privileges at the Parlin-Ingersoll Public Library.

For more information see the Circulation Policies.

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